Trust and Obey 💖

Hello 😉

It has been too long since I last posted. I have had two intense weeks, of a lot of energy sucking activities, which is why I was not able to post. But hey, I am still writing, in case you thought that it was over.

So I have been thinking about a lot of things, and I wanted to write about love today, and I mean that love that has popped up in your mind and made you a little bit excited to read on. Then something else showed up in my heart, that I had not planned to write about, and I decided to run with it. Maybe I will talk about love next time. Enjoy, share and feel free to comment as well.😊

There are many things that I have always wanted to do with my life. I have had goals and dreams since I was a little girl. Some are still alive and others seem to have died a natural death. I wanted to learn how to play the piano for the longest time, because I love music. Music calms my heart when there’s more than it can bear happening in my life. At some point I also sang; yes, I do sing (mostly only in the shower nowadays.) I cannot say that I am talented in that sector though, it is one of those things I might have given up on too quickly maybe. Oh, I have also always wanted to go to culinary school, because I love to cook, and I try out self-invented recipes which sometimes backfire terribly. I watch all the cook shows I can get my hands and extra time on and write down what I pick up. This one I have not given up on, and I hope to keep at it.

This list could go on and on, of the many things I wanted to do when I grew up. And guess what? Adulting is here…… its that time of life where I feel I need to be doing at least one of those things I have always wanted to o. Did I mention that I had family goals as well? Yes, kwanza I wanted many kids, like 6, because I thought that they would look really great in a family portrait. I never really thought about what it would take to get them there though. But now that I have recently paid my first share of taxes to GoK, I am seriously reconsidering that dream. But who knows? Maybe their dad will share that vision as well, and we will fill the earth abundantly.

So with all these to-do-list on my mind, comes a lot of pressure. I mean, just thinking about how I am now on my own, in terms of responsibility, bills, being away from mommy’s safe nest and daddy’s provision is scary. Many of us who have been through such a place of uncertainty can relate. This is especially worse when you do not have a clear plan of what your life looks like in the days to come. And if you are the kind, like me, who like to plan ahead, then it is even crazier.

I think about guys like Abraham, and I wonder if they were as human as we are. The guy was asked to leave his home and start walking not even knowing where exactly he was heading. I wonder if he had doubts, or questions seeing that He did not even know This God and what He could do by then. People like Esther, who went to the king to plead for her people’s lives, not knowing what the king’s reaction would be. Then there’s Daniel and his friends, in a foreign land where it would have just been easier to do as they were asked to avoid trouble. Were these people as humanly prone to error as you and I?

I mean, I have like a gazillion questions about my own life. I wonder what the future looks like for me. Sometimes I wonder if I am gonna be “sick” for the rest of my life. I ask questions of if I will be able to handle six kids in my state of health, or even just one. I worry about not being able to meet work demands in the corporate sector. I ask questions about if I will ever go back to school and master my studies or not, or if I will manage extra short courses that I have made plans to do. I think about what I would do if I lost my job at an unexpected period, with bills to take care of.

These guys, Abraham and others, did they not have questions and doubts like I do? They seem to be just fine and cool with every season that came up in their lives.  If so, what made them different? What made their stories so neat and perfect that today even people who hardly read the Bible have an idea about who these people are, and what they did? You see, we like the happy endings, the ones that talk about David, for instance in Acts 13:22(ESV)” …. I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart…” We quote and even sometimes claim the list of blessings Abraham was promised in Genesis 12. What of the famous “hall of faith” in Hebrews 11? I read that and think to myself how much I desire to get there.
However, we seem to more often than not forget the process, and jump right into the happily ever after. We forget that all these saints of old were shaped by their daily encounters with God and other men. The challenges they faced, joys they had, the sin that stumbled them ever so slightly, battles they won and lost; all these things led to who they eventually became known for. They all had different struggles in different levels and spheres of life. But one thing is common with almost (if not all) of them. They had ”….the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen….” Hebrews 11:1(ESV) They had put their trust and confidence in God. That allowed them to live through tough times. It made everything they did worth their time and effort.

So yes, these people were human, as human as you and I. They had struggles, quite similar to those that we go through today. But they made a choice, to trust their maker. We have sung songs about this like the sunday school hymn "trust and obey, for there's no other way....", and we say it when things are thick, all the time. We see inspirational quotes everywhere with this same message, which could be why it may have become like white noise. So we worry all the time, and stress over everything. Now we are dealing with more frequent cases of mental health than we did years back. May we be reminded to Cast all our burdens unto Him who cares.

Until next time, 👋👋


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